Axolotls can live 10-15 years with proper care.

  • Cycling your tank is CRUCIAL. Cycling a tank can take 3 weeks to

    months to complete. I have another file walking you through this!

  • You will want a 20 gallon long size tank minimum if only housing one

    axolotl. We recommend adding 10 gallons per Axolotl. If you can do bigger, then that is better. They like floor space so think long when choosing a tank.

  • Only house axolotls of the same gender/size together. You can house them about 1 inch in difference in size. You cannot completely see gender sometimes until they are 18 months old.

  • You will want filtration in your tank for at least 2xs the gallon size of the aquarium. We love sponge filters because it gives a nice place for beneficial bacteria to live! Other options to add with a sponge filter are HOB (hang on the back) filters, or canister filters.

  • They live in cool water. 60-67 degree water is best. Above 70 degrees can cause stress. You can invest in an aquarium chiller to control the temperature, or they do have fans that work well too.

  • Bare bottom is recommended for axolotls under 5 inches. NEVER USE GRAVEL AT ANY AGE/SIZE! They can ingest gravel and it can cause impactions. Axolotls that are at least 5 inches can be on fine sand as the substrate or you can keep the bare bottom for easy cleaning. You can use stones in the aquarium that are at least 2-3 times the size of their head or you can silicone them down so they cannot be ingested.

  • These guys produce a lot of waste, so I recommend going around every day with a turkey baser and sucking up any bowel movements or left over waste.

  • Axolotls do not have eyelids so bright light can stress them out. Make sure you have at least one hide per Axolotl in the aquarium. PVC pipes make great hides and comes in many sizes. There is also some aquarium caves/lofts on Etsy one shop is called Stroodies I absolutely recommend. I have gotten many things from them that my guys love!

  • Seachem Prime is a great water conditioner and what we recommend using for your dechlorinate solution. Remember to use this when first setting up your tank, and with all water changes. Do NOT use anything with aloe in it.

• DIET FOR OUR FRIENDS INCLUDE: live earthworms, red wigglers, commercial pellets, and repashy grub pie. You can give myosis shrimp, brine shrimp, or blood worms as treats only! They do have these in frozen cubes at your local pet store. REMEMBER, these are not a staple diet, and should only be given as treats.